Janice M. Beitz, PhD, RN, CS, CNOR, CWOCN, CRNP, MAPWCA, ANEF, FNAP, WOCNF, FAAN, is Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing-Camden, Rutgers University in Camden, NJ. Dr. Beitz has over 50 years of nursing experience in acute, sub-acute, and outpatient care settings. She is a graduate of the Germantown Hospital School of Nursing and La Salle, Villanova, and Temple Universities. She is board certified as an adult clinical nurse specialist, as a nurse of the operating room, as an advanced practice wound, ostomy, continence nurse, and as an adult nurse practitioner. She has taught nursing students at baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels and consulted as a WOC Advanced Practice Nurse Specialist for multiple hospital systems. She is the Director of the Rutgers University Camden Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Education Program (WOCNEP). She has conducted funded research on Pressure Injury Prevention Algorithms and Management Approaches to Stomal and Peristomal Complications. Dr. Beitz is currently conducting funded research on academic workplace bullying and validation of wound care topical therapy algorithms. Dr. Beitz received the WOC Nurse of Distinction and President’s Awards of the Northeast Region of the WOCN Society and, in April 2012, was awarded the Masters of Wound Care Award of the American Professional Wound Care Association. In October 2013, she was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. In 2015, she was inducted into the National League For Nursing Academy of Nursing Education Fellows. In 2018, she was inducted as a Fellow of the National Academies of Practice for Nursing. She was awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence at Rutgers University Camden. Dr. Beitz was inducted into the inaugural class of WOCN Society Fellows in 2023. Most recently, she was awarded the Excellence in Nursing Research Award from the Kappa Delta Chapter (La Salle University) of Sigma Theta Tau. Currently, she is Deputy Editor of the Journal of WOC Nursing.