
Debbie Miller MN, RN, CETN(C)

Debbie Miller is an Advanced Practice Nurse at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the Odette Cancer Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She specializes in the care and management of patients with ostomies, fistulas, complex surgical and malignant wounds and radiation skin reactions.

Debbie holds lecturer status with the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto and is nationally certified in Enterostomal Therapy Nursing. She is a preceptor for students enrolled in enterostomal therapy nursing education programs in both Canada and the United States.

Debbie was a guideline panel member and co-authored the Ostomy Care and Management guideline through the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. She is also an expert panel member for Cancer Care Ontario’s Disease Pathway Management for Colorectal Cancer initiative. Debbie has received the President’s Award from the Canadian Association for Enterostomal Therapy and the Schulich Award for Clinical Excellence from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre."
