
Jeannette Potts MD

Co-Founder, Vista Urology

Dr. Potts is a family physician who has been practicing office based urology since her training and 15 year tenure at the Cleveland Clinic. She has been in private practice since 2013. Because of her primary care background and men's health advocacy, she brings a more comprehensive approach to urological symptoms which are sometimes manifestations of serious general medical disorders or psychosocial issues.

She has given over 150 lectures as an invited speaker at national and international society meetings and edited 4 urological textbooks. She is internationally known in the field of male pelvic pain disorders (historically and erroneously referred to as prostatitis) and was co-investigator in the NIH/NIDDK Prostatitis Collaborative Network. As a men's health advocate, she is also interested in the ethics of prostate cancer screening and diagnosis as well as psychosexual well-being.

Jeannette Potts, MD is also known as Dr. Tango, author of Tango: Lessons for Life, which is the basis for her communication and leadership retreats, employing metaphors from this art form.

She served on the Board of Directors of the Confederacion Urologica Americana for 8 years and is honorary member of the Mexican and the Colombian Urological Societies.
