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Recent literature and research findings indicate that people with darker skin tones are more likely to develop higher stage and more severe pressure injuries. One thought is current skin assessment protocols are less effective for people who have darker skin tones resulting in early damage arising from pressure not being visualized as easily as it can be in lighter skin toned Caucasian patients. We have identified within our own medical center the need for our clinicians to consider skin tone variations (specifically darker toned skin) when providing initial and subsequent skin assessments. More research and descriptive assessment protocols are needed.

  • Learners' patients with dark toned skin will benefit from improved skin assessment protocols and develop less higher stage and more severe pressure injuries.
02:05pm - 02:50pm EDT - June 7, 2023 | Room: Academy Ballroom 410
Track: PP

You are motivated and energized by what you have discovered and learned at the conference! How do you inspire others? How do you carry this energy home with you?

In this session attendees will learn more about the importance of self-care and the impact to critical thinking as well as how to influence change without direct authority. Learners will discover how to leverage brain-based tips for problem solving and team collaboration. Understanding the neuroscience behind change and why humans are wired to resist change helps us to leverage techniques that break through barriers.

The power of change is fueled by you!

  • Learners will leave with tools to impact and influence change in their organizations.
02:50pm - 03:20pm EDT - June 7, 2023 | Room: Academy Ballroom 410